Our favorite blog post series is “The Authors’ Own Words“, where we ask authors to describe their impressions regarding the implications of their accepted work, how their findings will change practice, and what is noteworthy about the work. We enjoy allowing a space for authors to express their thoughts on their work and for readers to gain further insight.
We are eager to start a new blog post series “Our Readers Chime In” – which is similar to “The Authors’ Own Words” but allows our readers to give their own thoughts and insight into our manuscripts. Readers can let us know what they found interesting, what they’ve incorporated into their own practice, reactions, and more. Readers are welcome to give a “chime” to any manuscript we’ve published over the many years. The chime will be posted here on our blog!
If you are interested in chiming in, email a paragraph or two and the article you are responding to our team managing.editor.saj@gmail.com or by shooting us a DM on our twitter to submit.