As a membership-driven organization, new members are fundamental to AMERSA. The creation of task forces, the educational initiatives, and the quality and atmosphere of the annual conference all depend solely on the work of our members. As a result, members have an unusually strong hand in shaping the organization’s future.
Founded in 1976, AMERSA is the only national, multidisciplinary non-profit organization focused on health professionals who work every day to improve outcomes for people with substance use disorders. AMERSA’s mission is to improve health and well-being through interdisciplinary leadership in substance use education, research, clinical care, and policy.
Become an AMERSA Member
AMERSA’s continuing success comes from its multidisciplinary approach, creating a deeper understanding of ways to improve substance use treatment, risk reduction, and prevention.
You will receive a full range of benefits from membership in AMERSA, a non-profit organization:
- FREE online access to AMERSA’s peer-reviewed scientific journal, SAj.
- Discounted annual full conference registration rate.
- Access to matched mentor/mentee meetings at the annual conference.
- Access to current and past conference presentations.
- Access to training and employment opportunities.
- Eligible to participate in committees, task forces, and Special Interest Groups with health professionals from diverse disciplines.
- The right to vote and hold elected office.

To Join or Renew: complete the online application below.
For further information, please contact the AMERSA National Office:
Telephone: 401-615-4047
PO Box 952
Charlestown, RI 02813
Membership Options:
$300 Full Membership is for those who support the mission of the Association.
(50% discounted memberships are available for retirees and those not working in a highly compensated field – please complete the membership form for eligibility)
$855 3-year Full Membership – 5% Discount
$50 Student Membership (Enrolled in at least 9 credit hours)
$0 Sponsored Membership to be paid by another person/organization