AMERSA’s 46th Annual Conference, “Examining Systems, Substance Use and Disenfranchisement” will be held in Boston, MA November 10-12, 2022. AMERSA is currently seeking abstract submissions of recent substance use-related research and education innovations.
Abstracts for the 2022 AMERSA National Conference may be submitted to one of three categories:
1. Research – These abstracts report on original research and must include methods, data analyses, results and conclusions. Broad disciplines are represented, including clinical research, implementation science, and education scholarship.
2. Curricula, Quality Improvement, and Program Innovations – These abstracts report on evaluations of education curricula, quality improvement, implementation science, and/or innovative program initiatives and must include methods, data analyses, results and conclusions.
3. Clinical Case Presentations – These abstracts describe an illustrative case that reinforces specific learning objectives for the treatment of substance use disorders, complications of substance use/ substance use disorder, or impact of substance use on clinical care. Cases should be based on patients for whom at least one of the author(s) had treated during the course of the patient’s treatment.
Oral presentations are clustered into concurrent theme-based 60-90 minute sessions with each abstract presentation 10 minutes in duration followed by an additional 5 minute question/answer period. These will be scheduled on Thursday, November 10th and Saturday, November 12th.
Poster presentations are displayed during a 90-minute evening poster reception with the attendant author(s) available to discuss and present the poster. These will be scheduled Thursday evening.
Deadline for submission – May 1, 2022
Please visit for detailed online submission and instructions.
WORKSHOP SUBMISSIONS – Each workshop will be 90 minutes in length and offer interactive learning about a specific substance-use related topic. Workshops must focus on building specific skills in clinical practice, education, research, community action, or policy/advocacy related to substance use. The most desirable workshop sessions will focus on a set of concrete skills or techniques that can be attained and practiced by participants in 90 minutes, and which participants can then introduce into their teaching, practice, research or community following the meeting. Workshop proposals from presenters trained in any discipline will be welcome. Workshop proposals that plan to disseminate information in a lecture or panel format only will not be accepted.
Accepted workshops will be featured in a concurrent, in-person, interactive, format.
Special recognition will be given for the Best Workshop. The winner of the “Best Workshop” award will be invited to attend the conference the following year, and receive an award and free conference registration.
Deadline for submission – May 1, 2022
Please visit for detailed online submission and instructions.