Our upcoming issue 37.4 features the following editorial on the United States’ addiction crisis and the 2016 Presidential Election. Our hope is to spark conversation about utilizing all the evidence-based tools at our nation’s disposal to aid prevention and treatment.
Please read and distribute widely.
Left, Right, and Meeting in the Middle: Addressing Addiction is Something We Can Agree About
Arthi K. Narayanan, John D. Harding Jr, Shaddy K. Saba, James Conley, and Adam J. Gordon
Substance Abuse
Abstract: The United States faces an addiction health crisis. Presidential election cycles in the United States are cause for creation of political party platforms. These platforms provide general stances and specific policies on a variety of issues. We undertook a review of the addiction policies of the 2016 Republican and Democratic platforms. Despite differences in focus, we found more similarities than differences between the two. We call upon those in political power to use every evidence-based policy at their disposal to promote addiction treatment and prevention.