The Authors’ Own Words:
We ask authors to describe their impressions regarding the implications of their accepted work, how their findings will change practice, and what is noteworthy about the work.
Luba Dumenco, MD MEHP; Kristina Monteiro, PhD, Sally Collins, BA; Cynthia Stewart, RN BSN; Laureen Berkowitz, PA-C; Timothy Flanigan, MD; Josiah Rich, MD; & Paul George, MD MHPE
Substance Abuse Vol. 40, Iss. 2, 2019
“We believe that this manuscript is appropriate for publication by Substance Abuse due to the innovation and interdisciplinary aspects of this educational experience. We believe that our patient panel experience can be generalized to other health professional institutions to promote increased humanistic attitudes and decrease stigma in working with patients with substance use disorders.“
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