The Authors’ Own Words:
We ask authors to describe their impressions regarding the implications of their accepted work, how their findings will change practice, and what is noteworthy about the work.
Brian J. Biroscak, PhD, MS, MA; Michael V. Pantalon, PhD; James D. Dziura, PhD, MPH; Denise P. Hersey, MLS, MA; Federico E. Vaca, MD, MPH
Substance Abuse Vol. 40, Iss. 1, 2019
“To our knowledge, this review represents the first catalogue of the scope of strategies and outcomes in ED-SBIRT studies that employed non-face-to-face modalities for high-risk alcohol use. This review reveals that there is an opportunity for substance use disorder researchers to explore ED-SBIRT for high-risk alcohol use among older patients as well as for the specific needs of female ED patients. Also, there is an opportunity for additional investigation into ED-SBIRT for high-risk alcohol use among non-English-speaking patients—a line of research particularly well-suited for non-face-to-face modalities such as tablet-based screening and brief intervention in a patient’s native language. The recommendations contained within this scoping review can be the start of an agenda for improving the conduct and reporting of ED-SBIRT research that employs non-face-to-face modalities.”