The Authors’ Own Words:
We ask authors to describe their impressions regarding the implications of their accepted work, how their findings will change practice, and what is noteworthy about the work.
A text-mining analysis of the public’s reactions to the opioid crisis
Elizabeth M. Glowacki PhD, Joseph B. Glowacki MS, & Gary B. Wilcox PhD
Substance Abuse Vol. 39, Iss. 2, 2018
“Twitter serves as a small window into the public’s view of timely topics. Capturing data that quantifies the public’s responsiveness and interest in health-related topics such as opioid use can help with talking to patients about their expectations for using prescribed painkillers, increasing awareness about alternative methods for pain relief, and promoting education regarding abuse prevention and treatment. In order for medical professionals and policymakers to address the opioid epidemic effectively, they have to consider the public’s perceptions of opioids.”
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