The Authors’ Own Words: We ask authors to describe their impressions regarding the implications of their accepted work, how their findings will change practice, and what is noteworthy about the work.
Post-discharge smoking cessation in subgroups of hospitalized smokers: a latent class analysis
Thomas Ylioja, MSW; Gerald Cochran, PhD; Yuchiao Chang, PhD; Hilary A. Tindle, MD; & Nancy A. Rigotti, MD
Substance Abuse Vol. 38, Iss. 4, 2017
“Latent class analysis can facilitate understanding which subgroups of smokers benefit from a hospital-initiated cessation intervention while others return to smoking. Multiple smoking behaviors and health conditions used as predictors to generate latent subgroups of patients provides insight into how patient complexity predicts the probability of cessation after hospital discharge. Patient subgroups with high probability of nicotine dependence combined with depressive symptoms and alcohol problems have additional barriers to cessation that may require intervention focus.”
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