The Authors’ Own Words: We ask authors to describe their impressions regarding the implications of their accepted work, how their findings will change practice, and what is noteworthy about the work.
Tae Woo Park, MD, MS; Richard Saitz, MD, MPH; Kerrie P. Nelson, PhD; Ziming Xuan, ScD, SM, MA; Jane M. Liebschutz, MD, MPH; & Karen E. Lasser, MD, MPH
Substance Abuse Vol. 37, Iss. 4, 2016
“We found that benzodiazepine prescription was associated with early opioid refills in patients prescribed opioids for pain. An important part of a clinician’s role is to weigh the risks and benefits of a treatment. We feel that this study can help clinicians who treat chronic pain patients with opioids in making that risk-benefit calculation before prescribing a benzodiazepine by providing more information about the potential risks of benzodiazepine use in this population.”
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