Welcome & Opening Plenary
Cutting Edge Harm Reduction Traci Green, PhD, MSc, Professor and Director of the Opioid Policy Research Collaborative, Brandeis; Kailin See, Former Senior Director of Programs for OnPoint NYC (2016-2024), current Director of Harm Reduction Innovation for Homeless Healthcare Los Angeles; Moderator: Kinna Thakarar, DO, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine, MaineHealth/Tufts University School of Medicine
AMERSA Discourse: Role of Drug Testing in Clinical Addiction Care
Stephen A. Martin, MD, EdM, FAAFP, FASA; Professor of Family Medicine & Community Health, UMass Chan Medical School, Residency Faculty and Staff Physician, Barre Family Health Center; Annie Potter, MSN, MPH, FNP-C, CARN- AP; Boston Medical Center Grayken Center for Addiction Technical and Training Assistance, Assistant Professor, Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Nurse Educator; Moderator: Phil Reason, MSW, MPH; Researcher, Grayken Center – Boston Medical Center
Best Research Abstract Award Presentation: Stimulant-Involved Overdose Prevention: An Electronic Health Record Analyses of Clinical Touchpoints
Teresa López-Castro, PhD; The City College of New York, CUNY
Betty Ford Plenary
Sean Esteban McCabe, PhD; Director, Professor, and Research Professor at the University of Michigan (U-M), Director, Center for the Study of Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking and Health (DASH Center), Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Biological Sciences, School of Nursing, Research Professor, Institute for Research on Women and Gender; Moderator: Carol J Boyd, PhD, RN, FIAAN, FAAN; Deborah J Oakley Professor Emerita, University of Michigan, Founding Director, Center for the Study of Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking & Health (DASH Center)
Local Hot Topics Plenary: Improving Access to Addiction Treatment
Nicole Gastala, MD; Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Illinois Chicago, Senior Director of Research, Behavioral Health and Addiction, Mile Square Health Center, Medical Director, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery, Illinois Department of Human Services; Tondalaya Henry, LSW, CADC, MAR; Coordinator/Recovery Specialist, Mile Square Health Center; Mistead Sai, MSW, LCSW, Clinical Care Coordinator, PCC Community Wellness Center; Anthony “Tony” Strong, CRSS; Peer Support Specialist, PCC Community Wellness Center; Takara Wallace, RN, CARN, CCM; Chemical Dependency Care Coordination Manager, PCC Community Wellness Center; Moderator: Elizabeth Salisbury- Afshar, MD, MPH; Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
McGovern Plenary Session
Gail D’Onofrio, MD, MS; Albert E. Kent Professor of Emergency Medicine, Professor of Medicine and Public Health, Yale Schools of Medicine and Public Health; Moderator: Kathryn Hawk, MD, MHS; Associate Professor, Yale Department of Emergency Medicine and School of Public Health
Rich Saitz Plenary: “What’s the Evidence Really?” Endowed Plenary: Updates on Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) Treatments
Alyssa Falleni, PharmD; HIV Ambulatory Care Pharmacist, Hartford Healthcare, Norwich, CT, Clinical Instructor, Yale School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry; David H. Jernigan, PhD; Professor and Assistant Dean for Practice, Boston University School of Public Health; Katie Witkiewitz, PhD; Distinguished Professor and Director, Center on Alcohol, Substance use, And Addictions at the University of New Mexico; Moderator: Anika A. H. Alvanzo, MD, MS, FACP, DFASAM; Principal, Health Management Associates
The John Nelson Chappel Best Curriculum, Quality Improvement, and Program Abstract Award Presentation: Implementation of a Hospital-Based Take-Home Methadone Process Is Feasible and Saves Healthcare Dollars Presented by: Susan L. Calcaterra, MD, MPH, MS1; Yevgeniya Scherbak, BCPS, PharmD2; (1)University of Colorado, (2)UCHealth
The John Nelson Chappel Best Curriculum, Quality Improvement, and Program Abstract Award-Runner-up Presentation: Arts and Culture As Healing Methodologies for Navigating Trauma, Mental and Social-Emotional Health Challenges, and Use Disorders: The Existential Determinants of Health (E.D.O.H.) Initiative Presented by: David Olawuyi Fakunle, PhD; Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Morgan State University School of Community Health & Policy